Innovative Movement Therapy in Intensive Care
The trend-setting MOTOmed Movement Therapy is used successfully at Pacífica Salud Hospital in Panama for early mobilization in the intensive care unit as well as in the regular operation of the clinic's daily routine.
At Pacífica Salud Hospital, MOTOmed Movement Therapy helps intensive care patients with acute lung failure to reduce the duration of artificial respiration, to reduce emerging weakness, to counteract the consequences of the post-intensive care syndrome (physical, cognitive and psychological impairments) and to improve independent skills. In this way, device-supported early mobilization with MOTOmed medical devices helps patients to achieve an indispensable movement therapy. This can lead to a decisive advantage in the course of the disease and shorten the stay in the intensive care unit.
The Pacifica Salud Hospital is a renowned hospital in Panama City and the only one in Central America that is in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins University in the US.